How do I purchase Cata-log for my event?
Cata-Log Event and Conference App is unique to every event with the specific requirements individually tailored and specified. Our sales team will consult and develop a specialised platform that all of the attending audiences (Visitors, Exhibitors, Presenters and Organising Committees) will significantly benefit from, when attending your event. Simply ‘Get in Touch’
What is so unique about the Cata-log Events app?
The visitors can select and contact exhibitors prior, during and after the trade event. The Cata-log app is designed to increase the ‘connectedness’ between visitors and exhibitors.
Will ALL of the exhibitors try and contact me?
No, As a visitor you have the power to ‘Opt in’ and ‘Opt out’ of which exhibitors are saved to your ‘Showbag’ and which of these selected exhibitors can contact you. When you save an exhibitor to the ‘Showbag’, you still have to ‘edit’ their profile and click ‘Yes – I want the exhibitor to contact me’ and then ‘save’ to update your contactable ‘YES’ status. Otherwise, the exhibitors profile will remain contactable, ‘NO’ and the contactable toggle will show ‘No – I do not want the exhibitor to contact me’.
How do I make notes or send a message to the exhibitor?
The ‘edit’ icon provides both ‘Private Notes’ and ‘Message for Exhibitor’ options. These two options are uniquely different and can really change your approach to information gathering at the trade event.
The ‘Private Notes’ option is designed to record information and specifications regarding the product enquiry or after a discussion with the exhibitor, the pricing and information about the product. These notes are always personal and never available to others.
The ‘Message for Exhibitor’ option is designed to be an instant messaging service directly to the exhibitor of interest. This section allows questions, meeting times and general discussion regarding the product enquiry. This message is only between the visitor and the exhibitor and never available to other exhibitors.
What information will the Exhibitor receive if I do make myself ‘Contactable’?
When you register you are able to put in as much or as little personally identifying information as you like. When you register the primary username is your email address. If you are contactable for selected exhibitors they will have access to your email address. They will also be able to see your age group, sex, and postcode. If you fill out the entire registration form then your phone number, mobile number and address will also be available. If you are uncomfortable with this data being available, wait until you establish a contact with an exhibitor and then send your phone details to them through the ‘Message for Exhibitor’, option.
Why use my email address as my Username?
There are several reasons for using your email address. The main reason is that usually everyone can remember their email address and login details. If you forget your password details, we can send an automated password to your email address, this also ensures that your profile can’t be intercepted by third parties. If exhibitors start to create spam type campaigns, you can ‘block sender’ and add them to your junk emails. This allows you to only provide your more specific contact details to those the you want to connect with.
NB: Exhibitors should respect their own privacy policies and state and federal spam laws.